1. Quanxin Zhang(张全信): A comparison theorem for oscillation of the even-order nonlinear neutral difference equation, Abstract and Applied Analysis, Vol 2014, 2014, Article ID 492492, 5 pages. (SCI)
2. Quanxin Zhang(张全信), Shouhua Liu(刘守华): Oscillation theorems for second-order half-linear neutral delay dynamic equations with damping on time scales, Abstract and Applied Analysis, Vol 2014, 2014, Article ID 615374, 12 pages. (SCI)
3. Quanxin Zhang(张全信), Xia Song(宋霞): On the oscillation for second-order half-linear neutral delay dynamic equations on time scales, Abstract and Applied Analysis, Vol 2014, 2014, Article ID 321764, 11 pages. (SCI)
4. Quanxin Zhang(张全信), Li Gao(高丽), Shouhua Liu(刘守华), Yuanhong Yu(俞元洪): New oscillation criteria for third-order nonlinear functional differential equations, Abstract and Applied Analysis, Vol 2014, 2014, Article ID 943170, 7 pages. (SCI)
5. 张全信,高丽,刘守华:时间尺度上具阻尼项的二阶半线性时滞动力方程振动性的新结果,中国科学:数学,43(8)2013,793-806.
6. Quan-xin Zhang(张全信), li Gao(高丽), Yuan-hong Yu(俞元洪): Oscillation criteria for third-order neutral differential equations with continuously distributed delay, Applied Mathematics Letters, 25(10)2012, 1514-1519. (SCI、EI)
7. Quan-xin Zhang(张全信), li Gao(高丽), Shao-ying Wang(王少英): Oscillatory and asymptotic behavior of a second-order nonlinear functional differential equations, Communications in Theoretical Physics, 57(6)2012, 914-922. (SCI)
8. 张全信,高丽,刘守华:时间尺度上具阻尼项的二阶半线性时滞动力方程的振动准则(II),中国科学:数学,41(10)2011,885-896.
9. Quanxin Zhang(张全信): Oscillation of second-order half-linear delay dynamic equations with damping on time scales, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 235(5)2011, 1180–1188.(SCI、EI)
10. Quanxin Zhang(张全信), Fang Qiu(邱芳): Oscillation theorems for second-order half-linear delay dynamic equations with damping on time scales, Computers and Mathematics with Applications,62(11)2011, 4185-4193.(SCI、EI)
11. Quanxin Zhang(张全信), Shouhua Liu(刘守华), Li Gao(高丽): Oscillation criteria for even-order half-linear functional differential equations with damping, Applied Mathematics Letters,24(10)2011, 1709-1715. (SCI、EI)
12. Quanxin Zhang(张全信), Li Gao(高丽), Lei Wang(王磊): Oscillation of second-order nonlinear delay dynamic equations on time scales, Computers and Mathematics with Applications,61(8)2011, 2342-2348. (SCI、EI)
13. Quanxin Zhang(张全信), Li Gao(高丽): Oscillation of second-order nonlinear delay dynamic equations with damping on time scales, Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing, 37(1-2)2011, 145-158.(EI)
14. 张全信,高丽,俞元洪:偶阶半线性中立型分布时滞微分方程的振动性,应用数学学报,34(5)2011,895-905.
15. 张全信,高丽:时间尺度上具阻尼项的二阶半线性时滞动力方程的振动准则,中国科学:数学,40(7)2010,673-682.
16. Quanxin Zhang(张全信), Jurang Yan(燕居让), Li Gao(高丽): Oscillation Behavior of Even Order Nonlinear Neutral Differential Equations with Variable Coefficients,Computers and Mathematics with Applications,59(1)2010,426-430.(SCI,EI)
17. Quanxin Zhang(张全信), Lei Wang(王磊): Oscillatory behavior of solutions for a class of second order nonlinear differential equation with perturbation, Acta Applicandae Mathematicae, 110(2)2010, 885–893.(SCI)
18. 张全信,俞元洪:偶阶半线性阻尼泛函微分方程的振动性,应用数学学报,33(4)2010,601-610.
19. 张全信,燕居让:一类二阶非线性差分方程的振动性质,工程数学学报,24(5)2007,879-884.
20. 张全信,燕居让:二阶非线性阻尼微分方程解的振动性质,数学杂志,27(4)2007,455-460.
21. Quanxin Zhang(张全信), Jurang Yan(燕居让): Oscillation Behavior of Even Order Neutral Differential Equations with Variable Coefficients,Applied Mathematics Letters,19(11)2006,1202-1206.(SCI,EI)
22. 张全信,燕居让:一类二阶非线性阻尼微分方程的振动性,系统科学与数学,24(3)2004,296-302.
23. 张全信:一类非线性微分方程组中心和焦点判定的简便方法,数学的实践与认识,31(3)2001,357-359.
24. 张全信:二阶非线性泛函微分方程解的振动性质,数学的实践与认识,23(3)1993,39-42.
25. 张全信:二阶强次线性常微分方程的振动性定理,数学研究与评论,(4)1990,563-564.
26. 张全信:二阶非线性摄动常微分方程的振动性定理,数学的实践与认识,18(4)1988,90-91.